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Do Not Fear

The phrase, "Do No Be Afraid" is in the Bible 365 times in one form or another. That is one reminder for every day of the year. Sometime I should go find them all, we could do one for every day of the year.

How important is this command? Well, if the Lord has said it enough times for you to hear it every single day of the year, then He must be pretty serious about it. What happens when we are afraid? We don't think clearly or process information well. We are also to be self-controlled, or self-disciplined, or, I think a better yet translation, be sober-minded.

I was just talking with one of our #CornerstoneFellowshipMininstry volunteers yesterday. One of the horses that she has taken a liking to is difficult and reacts to things rather than responds to things. We have been working with him to have more yield, because he really has none. We have been doing this with a lariat, putting pressure on different parts of his body and asking him to yield to the pressure.

While trying to get some yield in him in his right hind leg we had to put several boundaries on him because he was not yielding! He would attempt to run away. He would attempt to kick at it. He would yield in the opposite direction. He would attempt to get his front end between us and his hind leg. I was telling our volunteer, it is the same way with us. Once we put the boundaries on him, he had to think and respond. This is why the Lord puts boundaries on us.

Think of it this way, when a follower of Christ faces a decision, we consider it. We don't make quick rash decisions; we consider which decision would remain within the Lord's boundaries on us, that is remains within His will. If all the decisions would remain within His will, we then consider which decision would benefit us to follow His personal will for our lives. same goes for a horse.

Just as a horse that is fearful goes everywhere in a quick manner, and sometimes gets hurt, the same is true of people who make decisions based on fear. But it is also seen of people who make decisions with no boundaries. They make rash quick decisions, that many times have some severe, negative consequences. How much better is a life completely devoted to the Lord! He gives us boundaries to help us navigate life for us in this fallen world because He loves us.

Take refuge in His will and commands so we may have a life of peace, joy, and sober-mindedness.


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