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Routine Matters

While scrolling Facebook, I found a quote that said,

"Work on a horse, and that horse gets better. Work on yourself, and all your horses get better." - Henry Ford

This struck me on many different levels. The longer I work with horses and walk with the Lord, the more I understand that horsemanship is less about working with the horse. Additionally, I have said many times, "for kids, riding lessons have very little with the student learning how to ride." It's more about mastering emotions and self-control, overcoming fears, and building confidence. It's about learning responsibility and compassion. The list goes on. Because of this, I am consistently humbled and grateful that the Lord has allowed me to dedicate my life to helping others, not just with their horses. It is mostly humbling and often quite daunting.

Back to "Routine Matters": another quote I scrolled across was this:

"What you do everyday matters more than what you do every once in a while." - Gretchen Rubin

Nothing could be further from the truth. Our daily habits and morals shape who we are. Tom Mowrey consistently emphasizes the fundamentals of moving the horse's feet forwards, backwards, left, and right through the hip and shoulder. This focus can lead to some feeling discouraged and eager to progress to "something better." The problem is that when they move onto that something better, they can't because they don't have a firm foundation in moving the feet forwards, backwards, left and right through the hip and shoulder.

"The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well." - J.D. Rockefeller Jr.

There is no such thing as luck, no opportunity more significant than another, and no person more privileged than another. Success comes from hard work and discipline in everyday tasks. This is why I often sound like a broken record to my students. Consider Joseph from the book of Genesis. He was his father's favorite, so much so that his brothers despised him and plotted to kill him, ultimately selling him as a slave to a distant land. Joseph faced two options: to wallow in self-pity or to make the best of his circumstances. If you're unfamiliar with the story, take the time to read Genesis 37-50.

To further apply this to life, I was made aware of a study done by the Center for Bible Engagement[1] that found a significant change in the habits of those who read the Bible 4 or more days a week. Risky behavior decreased drastically. Other studies have also shown that reading the Bible increases dopamine in the brain which increases mood, memory, motivation and learning.[2][3] By simply engaging in the Word of God a majority of the week you can increase your life immensely.

Now consider applying this to your horsemanship. If you worked on your relationship with your horse a majority of the week, imagine how that relationship could improve. Working with horses also releases dopamine which will also improve your life. Horses + God = An Amazing Life.

Honestly though, you don't need to imagine what the benefit of prioritizing your horsemanship would do. It has already been proven. Check out this past blog: Groundwork: Just 10 Minutes Will Do!

To align with the 2025 theme of "More of Him, less of me" prioritizing spending time in God's Word and with my horse more will pave the way for success.

Why is the Bible such a big deal? Because is is the power of God.


He wrote it for us so we could be more like Him, and less like us. More Holy, less sinful. More Righteousness and less wicked. More perfect, less flawed.

The other day, my Dad brought back memories with this classic Amy Grant song. It's all about our choices, what we focus on, and our determination. Resolve.

Routine Matters: How you think determines how you feel. How you feel determines how you act. How you act is who you are.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NLT (emphasis added)

May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, and the horses you ride, from our barn to yours,



  1. Scientific Evidence for the Power of 4 Study by Center for Bible Engagement, Arnold Cole, Ed.D. & Pamela Caudill Ovwigho, Ph.D. December 2009

  2. Effects of Daily Bible Reading on Mental Health by Daniel Chareunsab

  3. How God Changes Your Brain by Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman


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