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One thing I have learned about horses and teaching lessons is that if the rider is not resolved in their mind to do something, the horse will not do it. Take a look back to yesterday's #CornerstoneVerseOfTheDay; who need to change to make things happen? Us.

Again, this goes back to our relationship with the Lord. To receive His forgiveness we must change. For us to receive His faithfulness, we must want it. We can't say, "thanks for that God" and then walk our own way once again; that is what gets us in trouble in the first place. No, we must remain surrendered to Him to continually to receive His faithfulness.

God does not lie like man, or like our enemy. God does not change His mind, once He says something He sticks to it. Absolutely everything He has said He will do has happened 100%, other than the promises yet to be filled. Yet, because of His track record, we know He will do those. Don't believe me? Read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Better yet, do it in chronological order. To get that reading plan, click here:

One thing we can always depend on is a horse acting like a horse. They never change their character, they are always the same. It's like clockwork. A good horseman can read any horse and be right, because the horse never changes. God is the same way, we can depend on Him because He never changes, He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. (Hebrews 13:8) We can count on that.

This is why then, that we cannot trust men, because they lie, change their mind, and do not do what they say they are going to do. Some do it with malice, yet no single man can not do these things because that is the natural way of man. (Hebrews 1:11-12, Jeremiah 17:5-6, Psalm 60:11 & 118:9, Isaiah 2:22) Yet we can fully trust God, but we have to live, walk, and talk like we trust Him.

Judges 10 has a sobering story for us. God had once again saved them from their enemy, which they got tangled up with because they did not obey the Lord and did their own thing and became enslaved by it. They cried out to the Lord to save them like He had done in the past and He said,

"Why?! I have saved you in the past, you went back to your own ways, found yourself caught up by your enemy once again and are right back where you started. No, go and call on one of those gods you have chosen for yourself." (Judges 10:11-14 paraphrased)

This should be very sobering to us; God telling us He won't do something? You mean He will do that? Remember how I said that horses will not do what is asked unless you have resolved to do it? Same principle applies here. So what must we do? Repent, change our ways, go back to what we know is right and stick with it. When you do like Daniel in Daniel 1:8 and resolve to not defile yourself before the Lord, He will be faithful to you, because you are faithful to Him. Now go, and do likewise.


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