Finding the Way

Have you asked the Lord to show you His way? What have you done to let Him show you? Have you read His Word to know what His way is? Have you applied it? Have you searched His scriptures to see what He has to say about a certain issue you are facing? His Word is full of infinite wisdom and knowledge for our lives.
The thing is though, His ways are not of this world. They will seem crazy, too far out there, and downright hard. That's only if you are trying to flow with the way of the world. Once you step out of the flow of the world, you receive the benefit of laying down in green pastures and being led to still waters (Psalm 23:2).
Think about the horse. On their own they can in no way understand our ways. They continue on as a horse does, living like a horse, reacting like a horse, carrying the weight of the world on their own shoulders, doing as the herd does, and just living, but not thriving. Then we intervene. At first we frighten the horse, but, through diligent patience, we begin to gain the horse's trust. We have to meet them where they are first. That is what the Lord has done; you can see Him do it all through the Old Testament, and ultimately through Jesus in the New Testament.
A good horseman will not completely disrupt a horse's way of life right off the start. He will begin in the horse's natural surrounding as much as possible and slowly change it. The Lord does the same for us. Sometimes though the horse does need to be abruptly moved for their own safety, and sometimes we do as well. Our Master is perfect at this. Perfect at knowing exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Lean into Him and trust Him.
Ask Him, right now, to begin showing you His ways. In the United States it is so very easy to gain access to a Bible. If you are reading this, I know you have one way to access it. If on a phone or tablet you can search for the YouVersion app, or if you are on a computer, my favorite site is the Begin with today's #CornerstoneVerseOfTheDay and read Psalm chapter 25, or read chapter 23, heck, read all of them if you need to. There are only 150 Psalms. 😉
If you are struggling to understand His ways and His Word, reach out to someone you know, or to a local church, or if you can't reach out to anyone in your immediate area, make sure you get in touch with us at Cornerstone Farm, we would be happy to help you navigate this crazy life with the Solid Rock of our Lord.