
This is an amazing thing. We were not created to be alone (Genesis 2:18), we were created to have fellowship, with others, and with God. This #CornerstoneVerseOfTheDay tells us why, in fact the whole passage in Ecclesiastes explains why.
From the beginning, Got knew that it was not good for man to be alone. He does not mean man in the male, so hold your horses there cowgirls; but man as in human, you know, like we say cow, but mean all cattle, even though cow is feminine. This is evident all through the scriptures. It doesn't matter if you think you are "anti-social" or not, we all need a friend and companion.
The neat part about this passage in Ecclesiastes is that in verse 9-12, Solomon talks about how two are better than one, and then he completes his passage with, "a cord of three strands is not easily broken." Wait, I thought it was two. It is, but the third is the Lord. It doesn't matter if it is a friendship, a marriage, a partnership, a work relationship, or a fellowship with your horse; it is always strongest when the Lord is part of it...always.
Back in the 90's, Michal W. Smith wrote and performed a song called "Friends are Friends Forever" and the main line in it is: "Friends are friends forever, when the Lord's the Lord of them." There is nothing truer than that statement. As I have mentioned before, my horsemanship has improved greatly as my walk with the Lord has gotten better. Just as our relationship with our horse gets better as time goes on and we put in a good effort.
For 15 years I had the pleasure of owning a paint gelding who was proven in the show ring on upper levels, as well as a great family horse. I purchased him as a lesson horse, and I had no idea what kind of horse I was ending up with. The first year (as I tell everyone) was a bit rocky as we were working to get to know each other and expectations. Little by little that horse became one I could depend on, in many different ways. I could depend on him to carry kids in lessons, at shows, and on trail rides. I depended on him to take care of my own boys as they learned to ride, and they were never safer than on this horse. Even when the cows got out and I had to go find them I could call him up from the pasture, he would walk into the barn, stand to be quickly brushed and saddled and take off down the road and out in the field to find the cows. Mind you, he was afraid of cows and having to do actual work was beneath him; but he would do it, because I asked.
This is what building leadership with your horse gets you. It's worth the struggle and the bumps in the journey. This is also what going through the hard stuff with your spouse, family, and friends gets you, a friend who is closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). People will hurt us; it is inevitable because we live in a fallen world. That is why the Lord commands us to forgive, so much so that if we don't forgive, He won't forgive us. Working through those trials helps us build the strongest of relationships. Counting on the One who will never hurt us, but give us only what is good is where we need to really put our hope and trust. Being able to have a companion who loves the Lord as much or more than you do is a blessing.
So put in the effort to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and then pray for that companion you desire in your life. The Lord will hear your prayers and answer them.