Get Wisdom at All Cost

This passage in my Bible is titled: "Get Wisdom at all Cost". I heard wisdom described once as:
"Wisdom is the ability to live according to God's pattern in all areas of life." Dr. Robert Jeffress
That is the best description of wisdom I have ever heard and it is something we all should live by. God created us; therefore, He knows better than anyone how we should live. The bible is our instruction manual for life. Live by its words and have peace in life.
This verse is saying that when we live by wisdom, we can walk without being hampered, so we can walk with confidence and assurance, and when we run, we will not stumble. What a blessing that is! To be able to walk through life without worrying if we are doing the right thing. To go with confidence and not having to worry if you are doing the right thing. That brings peace to our soul.
Now don't think that living according to God's pattern in all areas of life is going to make life trouble free. No, we are not promised that. In fact, see what Jesus had to say about it:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Jesus promises us that we will have trouble. So this passage in Proverbs may trip some people up, but don't let it trip you up. You must take the Bible in whole, not in part. You cannot accept one verse and reject another. What the Lord is telling us is that when we live according to His pattern we will have peace, even when things go wrong.
A man who lived this example is Deitrich Bonhoeffer. He lived during the rise of the Nazi party in Germany and watched what Hitler did, first to the church, and then to the Jews. His life is a life worthy studying and admiring, because he stood up against Hitler and the Nazi's. He was kicked out of the church, and then was a wanted man because he started a new church and continued to stand against Hitler. At one time he had to run to avoid capture and came to the United States. But he recognized the importance of what he was doing and returned to Germany where he was captured and imprisoned. Before Hitler committed suicide, one of his last orders was to have Bonhoeffer hung.
Yet, the entire time Bonhoeffer was imprisoned and even on the day of his execution, he was encouraging other prisoners. He was full of peace, even though he was severely persecuted, imprisoned, and sentenced to death. This is what our #CornerstoneVerseOfTheDay is speaking of; this is the same peace the apostles had when being persecuted and martyred. This is the same peace that our Lord promises those who love Him and keep His commands.
Read the whole of Proverbs chapter 4 and you will see the value of wisdom.