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Going through the Deep Waters

Do you ever feel like life is about to sweep you away? Whenever I think of this verse I always think about the Israelites. First at the Red Sea and then again crossing the Jordan. Both times the Lord split the waters for them and they were able to pass safely through. He does that for us sometimes. I also think to the spies who went to Jerico and met Rahab. They also had to cross the Jordan river, in the spring time, when it was out of its banks. It more than likely had a strong current as well. Still those two brave men crossed that river to spy out the city before the Lord sent them across to destroy it.

They had no reason to worry or be concerned about the deep waters for the Lord took care of them every time. We also do not need to be worried or concerned when we feel like we are going to be swept away. When the Israelites were on the bank of the Red Sea and Pharoh was coming upon them with his army. They panicked and Moses said to them,

"Do not be afraid.....the Lord will fight for you, you only need to be silent." Exodus 14:13-14

The Israelits had just respnded in obedience to the Lord in their exodus of Egypt and were obediently following Him across the land. When they faced the Red sea they once again needed to act in obedience, they did, and they walked through the Red Sea on dry land and the Lord swept away their enemy, the Egyptians, in the sea when they attempted the same.

What are you facing that you thnk will sweep you away? First look at how you got there, did you get there while being obedient to the Lord? Or is it because of a sin? If you are acting in obedience, then you need to only be still and the Lord will make a way for you. Be patient and wait on the Lord. If you have not been living in obedience to the Lord and find yourself in deep waters then you first and formost need to recognize your sin, repent of it, and do what is right in the eyes of the Lord, not the world, but the Lord. You will be blessed with peace and an inner joy when you walk in obedience. These are not worldly blessings, but these are the blessings for which the world longs.

As you ask your horse to respond in obedience to your cues and commands, we also need to respond to the Lord's commands so we may live life, and life to the full (John 10:10). There is no better way.


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