In His Time

Have you ever tried to make something happen and it was one problem after another, but you were so stuck on making it happen that it became an "at all costs" endeavor? Then, after making it happen you now have nothing but trouble, pain, and heartache. That is because you have worked things to happen in your time; not considering the Lord's will.
Think of it with the horse; it is a 1,000 pound, give or take, animal, we cannot force them to do anything, they are much bigger and stronger than us. When working with them we need to deal with them with patience. We need to have the same patience with then Lord when struggling in life. There are many times that roadblocks come as the Lord's warning to us that we are not working within His will. Yet the easy answer is rarely the right answer. This takes wisdom.
Again, considering the horse, there is no easy way to have a horse. To own a horse means it is going to cost you, time, money, and strength. It takes a lot of resolve, knowing when to put pressure on them, and when to have patience with them. It costs us to follow the Lord as well. Jesus talks about that in both Luke 14:25-33 & Mark 10:34-39 at the cost of discipleship. Also check out Deitrich Bonhoeffer's book called 'The Cost Of Discipleship'.
Patience is one of the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit as well. Patience with others, and patience in the Lord. Even the disciples had to learn patience in the Lord. Most times our lack of patience with the Lord is due to our not understanding Him. Some of His ways are understandable by reading His word and getting to know Him. But there are some areas we just have to acknowledge that we do not understand and we must accept that, trust Him, and commune with Him in prayer about our lack of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. You will be rewarded for it.