My Tank Runneth Over

Another well known verse in Psalm 23 is "my cup runneth over." (Psalm 23:5) What does that mean exactly? To take in the context, the Lord has anointed the writer's head with oil as he is chosen. David was the Lord's chosen king of Israel because he was a man after God's own heart. (1 Samuel 13:14) We too are chosen, anointed, to do the Lord's work.
Now that he is anointed the Lord prepares him a table in the presence of his enemies. We too have our table prepared in the presence of our enemy as described in Ephesians 6:12. Living in this world is living in the presence of our enemy. Do not be afraid for the Lord is with you. (Isaiah 41:10, Mathew 28:20) When we feast at the table the Lord has prepared for us, our cup will run over.
Have you run your water tank over? I have numerous times. As annoying as it is we should be extremely thankful for it. We live in an area in the world where we have a plentiful water supply. Not everyone is as fortunate. I can remember when my husband rented a pasture for the first summer we were married to keep my horses until we purchased a property. It was a really nice pasture to rent, but had a shallow and dry well. You could get water out of it, but it wouldn't fill the tank. There were several times I had to go multiple times a day to water the horses and they were always thirsty.
We purchased a property later that summer and moved our horses as soon as we got fence put up. Our new property has a great well on it with plenty of water. We have never run out, even when I have left the tank running overnight. Oops! What a blessing though, to never have to worry about horses having enough water again.
That is what it is like feasting at the Lord's table. His economics don't make sense, nor does His source of joy and contentment. Yet I wouldn't trade them for anything. Just as a wild horse could not imagine a broke horse being happy or content, so those of the world cannot understand the ways of the Lord.
If you are one who is looking for something more, something better, and you can't seem to find what you are looking for in this world then you need to turn to God. "Taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him." Psalm 34:8
I have heard many people say they have tried the Christian thing, and it's just not for them. Well of course it isn't. We do live the "Christian" way, we live according to God's way. You cannot be a Christian, a little Christ, without God, without the presence of His Holy Spirit, which we receive when we recognize who we are compared to who He is and surrender to Him. I no longer even describe myself as a Christian. If anyone asks me if I am, I always say that I am a follower of Christ. There is a difference.
If you want to know more find someone in your area that you can talk to, that can disciple you, teach you the ways of the Lord. If you don't know of anyone then contact us, we would very much enjoy visiting with you.