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On Our Level

Have you ever thought about why God had to come to the earth as a man in the form of Jesus? It was so He could empathize with us like our #CornerstoneVerseOfTheDay describes. You see, man is the one who has sinned, and because of that man should be the one to pay the price. Yet, from the beginning, God has allowed a substitute (Genesis 3:21) which was a foreshadowing of the ultimate substitite, Jesus the Christ. Because man needed to pay the penalty for sin, God had to come into the world naturally as a man does and He did that. (Matthew 1; Luke 2)

As God had to come to our level so we could identify with Him, we must go to the level of our horse so they can understand us. God, being the more itelligent being can lower Himself so we can understand Him; in the same way we are the more intelligent being and must lower ourselves to the horse so they can understand us. Have you ever thought of that?

That is why in our #CornerstoneHorsemanship training program we first and foremost teach riders how to effectively communicate with their horse so the horse can understand. Us talking to the horse is like someone giving us instructions in a foregn language. Eventually we will understand it, but it takes longer than if the overseer could learn our language. We must learn how to communicate with our horse so they can understand what we desire from them and to be able to build a good, solid relationship with them. The same is with our Lord. Praise Him today that He came down to our level so we could understand Him and develope a relationship with Him.


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