Praise & Glory

Why is this so important? Why does it matter if we give thanks to God or give Him glory? Is it a big deal? Is it important?
The Lord is creator of all. He holds the heavens and the earth in His hands. Through Him all things are sustained. I came across a quote yesterday about how God works. I can't find it again but it spoke of the essence that we think that in fairness all should be allowed in to heavn, yet if the Lord was fair, none would enter into heaven. For what we think would be fairness from the Lord is indeed mercy. We should thank Him for His mercy with all our heart. Because of what He has done for us we should glorify His name in all that we do.
In fact, the Lord will allow all to enter into heaven, we just have to believe. Not believe in an 'I believe in Santa Clause' believe, but believe that He has made a way. That Jesus is the Son of God and paid our debt to the Lord for our sin and therefore we have access to God and the kingdom of heaven through Him. We also need to believe in the promises He has given us, that He will be with us until the end of age. That He provides all our needs. That He gives us the strength we need to get through this life. That He knows the future and is in control of all things.
It is for these things that we give Him thanks. That even when we face trials in life He is in control and we can rest in Him and His ways. That rather than go a head of Him and try to work things out ourselves, that we patiently wait on Him and act according to what His word says. This is how we glorify His name.