
Now that you have each of the pieces of armor in place, and you have your weapon against the enemy, you are ready to go to battle against the forces of this world. Who do you battle against? What is your target? When is the opprotune time? Where do you go? Why does it matter? How do you go about it?
Just as a soldier in the army has a relationship with a commanding officer, we have a relationship with the Lord. He is our commanding officer; He is the boss of the ranch. You couldn't start each day going about the business of the ranch without talking to the boss, for what you think needs done may not be what the boss has in mind. You work for the boss so you must go to the boss to see what work needs to be done. In the same way we need to go to the Lord and find our work for the day.
Sometimes that work is obvious, if you are like me, you are a wife who needs to do what she can to support her husband as he sets off to work each day. After that you have kids you need to take care of and get off to school. From there you have your livestock to tend to. After that you have a house to keep running as a functioning home, and a business to keep running. Yet its in all those little details that I needs wisdom, guidance, and the Lord's help to know that I am doing things to the best of my ability.
Just as a well outfitted army is a great thing to have, unless they know their rank and position, and have their orders from their superior officer, they are useless. We are Christ's ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). In affect we are His representitives in the world. We can go to the Word and see how we are to act and respond in this world, but we also must go to Him in prayer and ask for specific things in our life. Without prayer we are useless in the Lord's army. It would be like a hand or foot going it's own way without conferring with the body on what to do.
We must learn to pray and commune with the Lord, just as we must learn how to communicate with our horse. In the beginning it is akward and disjointed and many times down right confusing. But as you continue in the work, you and your horse begin to work together as one. The same is with the Lord. The learning comes in the struggle, so allow the struggle to grow you so you may become one with the Lord.
Spend time in prayer today. If you are unsure how to pray, use the model Jesus gave us in Matthew 6:9-15. Read a Psalm and pray it back to the Lord. When I pray daily I ask the Lord to equip me for the day by giving me wisdom to navigate through the day (James 1:5). I also pray over my mouth, as that is the one thing that usually gets me into trouble. I ask the Lord to place a guard over my mouth (Psalm 141:4) so that no unwholesome speach departs from my lips, but only that which is benifical to those listening (Ephesians 4:29), and that I may speak with wisdom, and that His law of faithful instruction will always be on my lips (Proverbs 31:26).
Find where the Lord convicts you the most. Then find a scripture that speaks about that specific thin. Turn it into a prayer to the Lord and watch how He works in your life. It is an amazing thing.