Proverbs 31:12 Cowgirl Version

She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:12
The virtuous cowgirl brings her cowboy good, all the days of her life. That means that from the time she is born, to the time she dies, she works to bring him good, and not evil. She doesn't wait until she meets him to do this, she is already preparing herself for him, even though she has no idea who he is.
Just as we go about living our lives knowing we ae the Lord's ambassadors, a virtuous cowgirl knows that she is not her own. That she first belongs to her father, until he gives her away in marriage to her husband, and the she belongs to him. She is not property; she is a treasure. Her father protects her and provides for her until a man worthy of her asks the fathers permission to protect and provide for her as a help mate to build a home and family.
Ephesians 5 describes the relationship between a husband and wife. The wife is to submit to the husband as head of the house, in the same way we submit to Christ as head of the church. Likewise, the husband is to love the wife in the same way that Christ loved the church, willing to lay his life down for her. For marriage is more than a covenant between a man and a woman, it is reflection of our relationship with the Lord.
Are you married? Do you do your husband good? Or do you not? There is no in between, if you are not bringing him good, you by default and doing him evil. This is not a social norm, this is a way of the Lord.
If you are not married, are you thinking about how you are living now? Is how you are living now and the choices you are making preparing to bring your future husband good? If not you are by default bringing him evil. This is the way of the Lord.
Think about all the work you put in for your horse. Your horse is a part of your life for only a few years on average, but we work hard to do right by them. If we can do that for our horse we should be able to that for our spouse, whom we have made a covenant before God and man, and who we have for life.