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Proverbs 31:17 Cowgirl Version

Once again, we see the virtuous cowgirl hard at work. Have you ever watched a dog, or dogs, work cattle, or livestock at all? They are amazing to watch. They are so focused and get the job done quickly. The virtuous cowgirl is the same way. She sees what needs to be done and goes and gets it done with focus and without wasting any time.

Every time I read the phrase, "she's got the guns to get it all done," I always thing of Rosie the Riveter. This cowgirl can throw hay, and feed, and poo with the best of them. No matter what the job on the farm or ranch, she has the physical and mental strength to get it done. She may not be as fast or as strong as the men, but that doesn't mean she can't get it done. It's more the thought that she can get it done more than anything. She's always willing to get her hands dirty so to speak.

She never competes with them men, or tries to keep up, she knows she can't because she is not designed like a man. Yet she knows she plays an important role. She also understands that when her cowboy offers to do something for her, she does not take offence to it. She knows he is doing it because he has the time, he knows how hard she works, and he does it as an act of honor towards her. In return she does things he could never do.

Growing up, managing my family's horses, I was the one who did most of the work. Sure, we hired a few young men to help put all the hay up in the lofts, but I was right there next to them working. Then I met my husband. He is such a doer and has that farmer work mentality. Soon he took over doing many of the things I normally did. Not to "put me in my place" or anything, but because he honored me. Going from doing most of the heavy lifting to having my husband take care of most of it was a breath of fresh air. I knew I my husband cherished me by his actions.

I can still do everything on my own, and in fact he has taught me to be even more independent in our 20 years of marriage, but he doesn't expect me to be, and I don't want to be. So, ladies, when you find a man who wants to step in and do things for you, even as simple as opening a door, let him. It is a show of honor, not a look down on you. Think of it this way, the last thing God created was the woman (Genesis 2:20-23), and she was taken out of man's side; not his head to lord over him, not his feet to be trampled upon, but his side, to be his partner. With woman being the last to be created she was the Lord's piece de resistance, the cherry on the top if you will. Know your value, and never settle for a man who doesn't recognize it.

This is a truth we teach our #VirtuousCowgirls in our #CornerstoneFellowshipMinistry program. Click here to learn more.


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