Proverbs 31:18 Cowgirl Version
In yesterday's #CornerstoneVerseOfTheDay we talked about how hard the virtuous cowgirl works. Today we see why she works as hard as she does. It is because she knows the value of her herd, and because of that she doesn't shy away from the work that is necessary to make sure they are well cared for.
The fact that she doesn't hang her hat until the work is done says that she is willing to put in the long hours to make sure everything gets done. This isn't just the farm or ranch work, but also the work necessary for the function of the family. There is no job she won't do because she knows it's importance. She knows how to prioritize and is organized to get it all done.
Even though this virtuous cowgirl knows the value of her herd and the work necessary to get it all taken care of, she also understands the need for rest. As we talked in Remember The Sabbath, God created us for rest. Not for idleness, but for rest. To set time aside to rest, it is a command, not just a suggestion. You will be blessed for it.
These are the qualities we teach our #VirtuousCowgirls in our #CornerstoneFellowshipMinistry program. Click here to learn more.