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Proverbs 31:19 Cowgirl Version

Once again Proverbs 31 describes the virtuous cowgirl's work ethic. As I discussed yesterday, she is right there next to the cowboys, making sure the job gets done. Not that they need her supervision, but she is there to fill any gaps that need filled. Again, she is worth more than all the riches a man could have when it comes to getting things done. She willingly has a hold of the reins of her faithful steed, ready to do what is needed and doesn't shy away from any part of the job that needs done. Her fingers hold the lasso, ready to build a loop and swing to get the calf that needs to be doctored and marked as their own. She has skills that are valuable to the operations of the ranch and farm. Yet, when her small child calls, "momma," she is ready to step down and address their needs as readily. This cowgirl is far different from any other and a treasure to behold by her cowboy.

What cowboy wouldn't want a woman like this working beside him? Her company is enjoyed and she is never in the way, but always there ready to help when needed. She needs no instruction for she knows what needs done and gets it done.

I very much enjoy working next to my husband. My favorite time we have had together is when we were building fence and stalls when we first bought our little acreage. We still have fence to replace and build 20 years later and I long for the time to do that, but with three boys in activities it doesn't allow a lot of time to get that work done. Sure, I love sitting on my horse, holding the reins and I'd like to get more comfortable with a lasso. That time will come, but my favorite place is next to my husband, working and building our life.

These are the qualities we teach our #VirtuousCowgirls in our #CornerstoneFellowshipMinistry program. Click here to learn more.


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