Proverbs 31:20 Cowgirl Version
The virtuous woman understands the value of everyone because she knows that each person is created in the image of God. She doesn't shun anyone or turn anyone in need away. She invites them to her fire for a warm meal and good conversation. She also passes them the canteen to quench their thirst. Yet, she knows that as much as they need to quench their physical thirst, they really need to quench their spiritual thirst.
This virtuous cowgirl knows our Lord and follows His commands. She never shies away from an opportunity to help someone in need or offer them the bread of life and living water. She would not be one asking Jesus in Matthew 25, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?" for she understood exactly what He was saying.
When we started #CornerstoneFellowshipMinistry and the #VirtuousCowgirls mentoring group we did it to give to the young girls in our area what we needed when we were growing up. We are inviting the young lost women to our fire to feast on the Bread of Life and extending to them our canteen full of Living Water. We both hungered and thirsted for righteousness when we were younger and know that many others are as well. We pour our hearts and souls into these young women and love them like our own, for they are our sisters in Christ.
Right now I ask you to take time to pray for these young women. We currently have a small group, but the Lord is doing a mighty work. They are each walking a difficult path that requires strength, wisdom, and courage. Pray that the Lord will open their eyes to see what is good and true; open their ears to hear His words of wisdom and healing, and to fill their hearts with understanding so they may turn to Him and be healed. He alone has the healing we long for in our soul. Pray also that we, as leaders and mentors, will have wisdom to minister to them as well.