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Proverbs 31:21 Cowgirl Version

The virtuous cowgirl is always prepared. She knows what is needed to take care of her family and keeps it on hand. That way, when the weather turns, and the blizzard blows in she has no fear or worry; she has what they need to keep warm while doing the chores and she keeps the fire in the hearth burning.

This cowgirl always has her family in mind first. She make sure their needs are met first and foremost. And they are not "just" met, they are well cared for. As her cowboy is out checking the herd and she is back at the house, she makes sure the home fire is burning, but also has some good comfort food cooking and pot of good hot coffee is on for when he comes in.

Her family is all well clothed in warm clothing. She make sure they all have what they need to keep warm and get the work that is needed done. Remember, she takes care of herself too, but her family's needs come first.

This selflessness and strong qualities are all things we teach our #VirtuousCowgirls in the #CornerstoneFellowshipMininstry mentory program. Click here to learn more about the Cornerstone Fellowship Ministry and the Virtuous Cowgirls.


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