Proverbs 31:22 Cowgirl Version
Attention to detail is one of the virtuous cowgirl's attibutes. She even covers her bed with beauty. The fact that she has made it gives it even more treasure. It is not the work as much as it is the fact that it is unique, just like she is. Not everyone has a hand made quilt on their bed. This again sets her apart from all of the other women.
She is also dressed like no other. She wears fine clothes, not to make a statement to others, but a decleration of her worth. She knows her worth and it shows on her outward appearance. Again, not to brag, but just a reflection of who she is.
I remember once when I was working at the feed store in town and a customer who was somewhat of a regular said to me once, "I can tell you are married to a good man, it shows in your eyes." What an observation; and how true. That is the reflection of the virtuous cowgirl.
On the flip side, the virtuous cowgirl completely understands Peter's words:
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 1Peter 3:3-4
She doesn't get her value from these things, but from her inner being. She knows who she is in the eyes of her Creator, and she knows she has value to her husband as well. This shows in her outward appearance.
One of the blessings of working with our #VirtuousCowgirls in our ministry is watching them transform over time with the horses. Horses are an amazing creature and I am honored that the Lord has gifted me to work with them. These horses allow these girls to struggle, learn, and grow in amazing ways. At one time we had one young ladie who struggled with bridling her horse. She wasn't a hard horse to bridle, but this young lady had convinced herself that she couldn't get it done. We spent our entire time together, letting her struggle to get this horse bridled. Her accomplishing that ment more than our Bible Study time, and she got it done, with 10 minutes to spare. The smile on her face was absolutely priceless. After that this young lady just blossomed in many ways and she is a true treasure.