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Proverbs 31:23 Cowgirl Version

We now get a glimpse of the virtuous cowgirl's husband. We have seen the virtuous cowgirl's character, she is hard working, talented, a true helper to her husband, but she doesn't settle for just any cowboy. Her cowboy is a respected man. in order to be a respected man he also must be hard working, mature, and a man of integrity.

The fact that this man sits with the cattleman of the county is a tribute to his character. How he gets there is by his hard work, but also because he has a mentor who invited him in. You can tell the character of a man by the company he keeps.

I can for certain say that I didn't find my husband as much as the Lord brought us together. That honestly is the best way to find a husband. Some of the best advice I have ever heard about finding a spouse is to run after and serve the Lord as fast as you can, and if someone keeps up, introduce yourself. Look at what the key is there, YOU are running after and serving the Lord, you are fulfilling Deuteronomy 6:5 and Matthew 22:37. If you find someone doing the same, they may be worth considering.

Perhaps you have a life mate already and they do not have the integrity or virtue the scriptures describe. Or perhaps you became a follower of Christ after you were already married. What should you do? 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 gives us the wisdom we need in such a situation. These are not easy words to hear, but they are good, right, and true because they come from the Lord.

If you are facing the situation where you are married to an unbeliever who rejects the Lord, pray for your spouse. If you need encouragement take a look at the story of Lee Strobel. He has written the book "The Case for Christ," and his life has been made into a movie with the same title. No one is too far from the Lord. I will say this though, if you are in a situation where you are not safe, or your kids are not safe, you must first and foremost get yourself safe.

I am always a champion for marriage because the Lord is. He does allow for instances of divorce, but we must keep with His design. If you are curious about when the Lord allows for divorce take a look at what Jesus said about it in Matthew 19. First and foremost always live according to the Lord's design, it is not the same as the way of the world, but it is always worth it in the end.

Marriage is a beautiful thing and it must not be entered into lightly, nor exited lightly either. Pray for your spouse, pray for your future spouse. Also pray that the Lord will equip you to be a good spouse.


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