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Proverbs 31:25 Cowgirl Version

This is my favorite verse in the Proverbs 31 woman passage. The virtuous woman is strong in the Lord and confident in His abilities. Her strength and nobility come from Him, and Him alone. Because she has confidence in Him she can scoff at the devil's schemes, no matter what they are.

This doesn't mean she doesn't have heartache and pain in this world, she does, but she goes about it knowing full well who holds the future. She possesses a peace that surpasses all understanding because she takes all of her fears, worries, and anxieties to the Lord in prayer and petition. (Philippians 4:6-7)

You see, for a long time I attempted to make things go the way I thought they needed to go. All this did was cause stress, uncertainty, and anger when things didn't go right. As soon as I learned to rest in His promises, those fears, worries and anger left. That is what He desires of us. When we rest in Him and His plan, we don't need to stress and worry over the things in this world. Sure, we still have to go through them, but not alone, and not without a plan. The Lord always has a plan, we just need to be obedient to Him.

I think back to the year 2020. When news came in that the world was closing down for 2 weeks, I sat my boys down at the kitchen table and had a discussion with them about what was happening. That there was a virus making its way that they were saying was deadly and that the school and other places were closing down for 2 weeks to slow the spread. I told the boys that we were going to sit tight for those two weeks and see what happens. At the same time, we talked about who numbers our days, who knows the day of our death and how we are going to die. They all agreed that God alone knows that. I said that there was a possibility that one of us in the family could get this virus and that we could die from it. But then we talked about what happens when we die knowing Jesus and trusting in Him. They all said that we would go to heaven. I ended the conversation with if one of us dies, we wouldn't need to worry, because either way we were in the Lord's hands.

We headed into that crazy time with full confidence in the Lord. That didn't mean there weren't frustrations, it meant that we faced them without fear, worry, and anxiety. The hardest part was dealing with the world's fears, worries, and anxieties. Our faith in the Lord and His will rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but that doesn't mean we should have less faith. We are called to be the light of the world, (Matthew 5:14-16) but there are times when you feel like you are the only light shining. That doesn't mean you should stop. We get our light from the light giver, who also gives life.



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