Proverbs 31:28 Cowgirl Version

The virtuous cowgirl is remarkable so much so that even her children recognize it. She is always warm and inviting to her children. They are her joy and she always has time for them. Because of her warm and inviting demeanor they bless her continually. That doesn't mean that she lets anything go through. For even when they are out of line and need correction, she doesn't take it personally and drag it out over everything. She gets the changes she needs to keep her kids on track and then moves on. She also knows her kids well enough to know what they need, when they need it, and how to get the point across to them they need.
You see, the virtuous cowgirl is all about action, not reaction. She knows her kids, and she knows that each and every one of them is an individual. She meets them on their level and gives each and every one of them what they need. If they need attention, she gives it to them as they need it. If they need some space, she allows them to have it. If they act out, rather than reacting to them, she looks more for the root of the issue and address that. It's like pulling a weed in the garden, if you don't get the root, you'll never get rid of the weed.
She recognizes these kids that the Lord has entrusted into her care to love, nurture, and care for will someday be adults who need to function on their own. This is the hardest part about raising kids, knowing that one day they will leave the nest and build their own. It is our job as parents to make sure they are well equipped to navigate life. That doesn't mean that parents are never there once they are grown, but it means they take on a different role. They are a supporting role, not a demanding or dictating role. We all must travel our own road, but we cannot do it alone and a good parent understands that they must travel the road the Lord lays out for their children and be there to lend a hand when needed.
Just yesterday my youngest, who is 10, was telling me that I am the best mom there is. That put a smile on my face. I asked him how he knew because I am the only mom he has known. He just smiled back and said, "because you are." My oldest, who is 14, then of course piped in and said, "since you're the only mom we know you are the best mom there is, and the worst one there is." Thanks for keeping me humble buddy. He also said his "blessing" with a smile. I enjoy these boys the Lord has blessed me with and entrusted in my care.
Notice too that her husband also praises her. Words of affirmation are a great way to express our love. The scripture tells us to use our words wisely and to bless others. To hear what her cowboy has to say about his cowgirl of virtue, you'll have to check back tomorrow.
These are all qualities we teach our #VirtuousCowgirls in the #CornerstoneFellowshipMinistry. Click here to learn more about the Cornerstone Fellowship Ministry and the Virtuous Cowgirls.