Proverbs 31:29 Cowgirl Version

Yesterday in the #CornerstoneVerseOfTheDay we looked at how the virtuous cowgirl was given praise by her kids. Today we see what her cowboy has to say about her:
“Many women do noble things, but you, my dear, surpass them all.” Proverbs 31:29
This cowgirl is one for the books. She may not have all the champion belt buckles, but that doesn't matter, for her husband knows her worth without her needing to win worldly prizes.
He gives her the words of honor that she needs. You see, this cowgirl is a hard worker, as we have seen in previous verses, but sometimes we wonder if all the work we are doing is really worth it. It is exhausting, mentally, physically, and emotionally, and she does it because it is necessary, but it is very easy to begin to wonder if it is worth it when there is no affirmation. Her husband is wise to know this.
You see, the virtuous cowgirl doesn't pick just any cowboy to settle and make a life with. As rare as the virtuous cowgirl is, so is her cowboy. He is a man of integrity and virtue as well. He is not self absorbed, rather he looks to others needs and not just his own (Philippians 2:3). He understands what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praise worthy (Philippians 4:8); those are the things he focuses on and gives honor to. His cowgirl knows these things also and therefore displays them in her life and he gives her honor for them.
The cowboy lifts up his cowgirl, and the cowgirl lifts up her cowboy. They do not work independently of each other, even though they may not always be doing the same work, but they are both working towards the same goal and encouraging each other, complimenting each other, and affirming each other.
If you are looking for a cowgirl or cowboy to make a life with make sure you keep all of these things in mind. These are all things we teach our #VirtuousCowgirls in our #CornerstoneFellowshipMininstry mentoring program. Click here to learn more about the Cornerstone Fellowship Ministry and the Virtuous Cowgirls.