
"Take the helmet of salvation." A helmet protects the head from attack. Battle helmets in ancient times, all the way through the medieval times, were very elaborate in design and protection. Yet they all served the same, to protect the soldiers head.
How does salvation protect our head? Well, we have to know, in our hearts and minds, that salvation is ours. This is important because we must protect our thoughts, for as a man thinks, so he does. Proverbs 23:7 NKJV The head houses the brain, which is the central command system for both our physical body and our rational. It is as important to protect as our heart, both physical and emotional. Adam and Eve could have benefited from a helmet of salvation in Genesis 3. The enemy attacked their thoughts, causing them to think of themselves, rather than what the Lord had instructed them.
What is salvation? Salvation is the protection from God's coming wrath. We saw it implimented in Genesis 3:21, the Lord provided coverings made of an animal, a substitue, to cover Adam and Eve in their sin. This continued on in the sacrificial system through the Old Testament and then ultimatly with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Exodus 12 gives us another picture of salvation through Passover. The blood on the door posts were a sign for the angel of death to pass over that house. As we are covered with the blood of Jesus so we too are passed over by the Lord's judgement.
The day of vengance of the Lord is mentioned several times in the Bible, but so is the day of the Lord's favor. My favorite passage to read about it is in Isaiah 61, and then again in Luke 4. You see, the Lord could have brought about His day of vengance in Genesis 3, but He knows what would happen to Adam and Eve, they would have been seperated from Him forever at that time, so He made another way. His day of vengance could have happened in Genesis 6, but again, He knew that His full plan was not put into effect and those considered righteous at that time would have also been seperated from Him for all eternity. So He provided a system that would work in the temporary, promising a new, and better system with the New Covenant which was brought about in Jesus Christ and we are given details all through the New Testament.
Why did the old system not work? Because this world is a reflection of the holy, heavenly throneroom of God. It's like looking in a mirror and putting makup on the image in the mirror and then going out for the evening. There would be a problem, the makup stayed at home. The sacrifices happend on the earth, in the mirror (1 Corinthians 13:12) and does not carry over into the heavenly realms. Only Jesus could be the sacrifice and take the blood of the New Covenant into the heavnly throneroom (Acts 7:55) where we are covered by the blood of The Lamb of God (John 1:29) so when we stand at the great throne of judgement (Revelation 20:11-15) we will have the full understanding of our salvation.
The cowboy's hat protects the head in many different ways. It keeps the sun from damaging the skin, keeps the sun out of the eyes, keeps the neck from being burned by the rays of the sun, keeps the rain from running down the back and acts somewhat like an umbrella, and it also can act as a wind block during the storms. These are all things the cowboy need protection from while going about his business. We also must put on knowlede of salvation and righteousness as we put on a hat or riding helmet.
Are you sure of your salvation? If not search the scriptures to find it, talk to a pastor or a trusted friend who knows the Lord. If you don't have someone to visit with about knowledge of your salvation, make sure you reach out to us at Cornerstone Farm. Our heart is the same of the Lords, not wishing anyone to die, but all to live (Ezekiel 18:31, 2 Peter 3:9, John 3:16).