
Have you ever heard, "God never gives you more than you can handle"? That seems to be a popular saying among church goers, but true, devoted followers of Christ know this is not true. For if the Lord only gave us what we could handle in our own strength we wouldn't need Him. We know that life throws a lot at us and that the Lord allows it to happen. We learn this in the book of Job.
Also from that we learn that we must trust in the Lord and His work, will, and plan. He never leads us where He does not go Himself. He does not lead us without first preparing us. If you feel totally unprepared then you need to return to His word and rest in His promises. I know this because of where the Lord has led me through some tough times and when I feel like I'm about to be crushed I remember His promises to me.
But back to relying on our own strength. I really like how the Simplified Cowboy Version words this Proverb; 'Trusting in your own strength works about as well as roping a bull off of a stick horse.' What a picture. That is what happens when we try to get through trials with our own strength and knowledge. We will surely be dragged away. No, rather we must rely on the Lord's strength.
We must trust the Lord, cry out to Him in prayer, and wait on Him. For those who wait on the Lord will soar like eagles (Isaiah 40:31).