"Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded." James 4:8

I thoroughly enjoy the Simplified Cowboy Version Bible. It brings the scripture to life in different ways. This verse especially holds a place in my heart, as well as the whole book of James. What James is saying is that if you want to know God more you have to make the first step towards Him. The Lord has made His presence abundantly known all throughout creation (Romans 1:20), all we need to do is recognize it and move towards Him. When we do that, we will know Him more and have an understanding of the Truth which will keep the enemy away.
To continue that way, we must put away our double-mindedness. We have to stop living for the Lord one moment and then give into our flesh and the enemies lies the next. Make your choice and live that way. I lived a double-minded life once and it doesn't work. All it does is create stress and angst. You know what is right, but then you don't do it because you give into the flesh, then you feel guilt for not doing what was right. Not a way to live life. We must resolve ourselves like Daniel and decide to no longer allow the world to defile us any more than it already does (Daniel 1:8). I made that decision and I do not regret it one bit, and because of that decision I now have the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). I wouldn't trade that for anything this world has to offer, I've tasted it and its rubbish (Philippians 3:8).
Trying to live a double life is like having an unpredictable horse. Have you ever had one of those? One day that horse is good as gold and the next you really wonder if someone stole your horse. They are impossible to ride and to work with. The same is for us, we are no good to the Lord if we can't stay consistent. Jesus said no one can serve two masters, that you will love one and despise the other (Matthew 6:24). I have to say, the horses that have been double minded don't stick around. I do what I can to help them, but when we finally get to that point where I know they will not change and nothing I am offering them is helping them, I turn them loose, I let them go, or as a respected horseman once told me, "I put wheels under them."
Take warning, the Lord will do the same for us. He gives us that warning many times in the scriptures (Romans 1:22-24, Matthew 7:20-22). He doesn't do this to scare us into believing in Him and obeying Him. He doesn't want obedience out of fear, but out of the thinking of a sound mind from knowledge of the Truth.
"You can never rely on a horse that is educated by fear! There will always be something that he fears more than you. But, when he trusts you, he will ask you what to do when he is afraid." - Antoine de Pluvinel (1555-1620)
The same is true of us. God builds His relationship with us based on Truth and trust. The enemy attempts to persuade us otherwise through lies (John 8:44) and has done that from the beginning (Genesis 3:1). Chose to learn the Truth, and to trust the Truth Giver; then you can resist the enemy and have the peace you long for and the joy you desire. #CornerstoneVerseOfTheDay