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Who Do You Live For?

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Our image paraphrases the #CornerstoneVerseOfTheDay, but for those of us who call ourselves cowgirls, it is fitting. Paul, in the 8th chapter of Romans, is explaining to us that we have nothing to fear when we stand with God. Abraham Lincoln was quoted saying,

"Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."

This is the same attitude that we are to have. It matters not if God is on our side or not, what really matters is if we are on God's side. For she who kneels before God, can stand before anyone. Paul starts off Romans 8 with Live Through the Spirit, this is where it all starts. He then continues to speak about the balance between Present Troubles and Future Glory, that when we truly compare the two, the future glories far outweigh the present troubles.

Romans 8 finishes explaining that we are more than conquers. That is what we are in Christ; through Him we have conquered death, and because of that we have life, a life of abundance in the kingdom of heaven. That is what we look forward to. All the things we acquire on this earth are trash compared to the glories of heaven (Philippians 3:8). Better to be the Lord's dog, than the devil's darling. I'll gladly sleep in God's dog house, as long as I am in His presence.

Take note: every single man of God, when faced with death, never pleaded for their lives, but pleaded for their executioners.


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