Who's the Leader?

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31
The Lord is always for us, but if we reject Him, He is a gentleman and will allow us to go our own way. The way that seems right to man, leads to destruction. (Proverbs 14:12) How to we avoid destruction? We submit ourselves, or kneel before, the Lord.
Over this past weekend we had the blessed opportunity to be presenters at the Iowa Horse Fair in Des Moines. Our last presentation was n the Basics of Communication. The bottom line of communication with your horse is you must stand your ground and establish yourself as leader. The rule in the game of horse is, "he who moves his feet first, loses." Meaning, if you move your feet to get out of your horse's way, you lose. But if your horse moves their feet to get out of your way, you win and you are recognized as their leader. They will then trust you and follow you.
The same principle applies to us in life. When we move our feet according to the Lord's way we are accepting Him as our Lord and leader in life. This is what we need to succeed in life. When the Lord is our God and we walk according to His ways, nothing can stand against us. It is when we go our own way that things begin to go wrong.
Think about this in life. We may be able to do our own thing, live our own life, but with that comes heartache, pain, discomfort, and a deep sense of emptiness. Just look at the world and the people that we call "successful" in life, they have the highest rate of suicide, depression, addictions, and heartache. That is the consequence for going against the Lord's plan. That is called natural consequences. That is why the Lord continues to tell us that when we come to Him, He will give us peace. When we go to Him with our fear, anxiousness, and pain, in prayer, then He will take those and give us peace, a peace that surpasses all understanding. There is nothing in this world that compares to that.
Our horses receive the same type of peace when we establish ourselves as leader. They receive peace, peace that we are their leader and they do not need to worry about what is out to get them because as leader, we take care of that. Every herd has a leader, the boss mare (usually), and she is the one who tells the herd when they can relax, and when they need to run for cover. In the absence of the leader they worry about what is out to get them and are much flightier. We must fill that role for them, for their peace of mind and for our safety. That is smart riding.