
Wisdom. What is it? Dr. Robert Jeffress defines it as:
" Wisdom is the ability to live according to God's pattern in all areas of life."
That means that in everything we do we must do it according to God's design, His pattern, and that is found in His word, the Bible. The Bible is not just a book of nice stories for us to read, first of all, it is a book of historical accounts to be taken literally, and second, it is God's instruction manual for man. Do what it says and the world will seem like a better place.
In the beginning living according to the Lord's way seems really hard. The only reason it seems hard is because it does not follow the pattern of this world. Once you take that first step in the right direction you will receive peace. In the same way that we reward the horse with a release when they make a move in the right direction, we receive the Lord's peace. The horse's release is their peace, that is what they desire, so when we give it to them, they seek it again. The same will be true of us, once we begin to experience the Lord's peace we seek more.
Jesus Himself said, "My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world give." What a blessed promise! The world just wants more, and more, and more from us. The Lord gives generously to those who's hearts have been transformed. (Romans 12:2) In Psalm 23:5 David explains the Lord's generosity as "my cup overflows." I can say this is true. The Lord has blessed us again, and again, and again. He does not do it as an incentive for our obedience, or reward for it, but because of His love for us. We deserve nothing, yet He gives; that is grace.
What does this have to do with horsemanship? I have realized over the years, that getting to know the Creator more, I understand His creation of the horse better. I also understand His creation of man better too. Now with that knowledge applied as wisdom to what I do, it has made me a better riding instructor and trainer. I have applied God's pattern to my profession and it has been made better in many ways. I can take no credit for it, it's all Him.
Go, and do likewise.