Working for the Lord

What do you do to earn a living? For me I am an Equine Professional. I wear many hats in that ring. I have done many other jobs as well, but this one is the one that suits me. Is that who you are though? Too many "Christians" today seem to live life as their profession who happens to be a Christian. That is not how we are to live. The pastor at our church describes each and every one of us as a "Christ Follower" who happens to be a (for me) "Equine Professional." How true is that!
Honestly, I never sought out being an Equine Professional, it is a job that came to me. For as long as I can remember all I wanted to be was a rancher. Have my big ranch, raising & working horses and living the life. Well, I had to settle for a postage stamp farm and the neighbor girls kept calling about learning to ride. It paid the bills so I obliged. Honestly, I can't say we settled for a postage stamp farm, I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Lord put us here and I am 100% content.
There came a time though that I realized that I was not using my talent with horses to bring glory to God. I prayed about that and asked Him to show me how to use horses to bring Him glory. The Lord answered that prayer, but not right away. He began by changing my perspective. Then He began changing my heart and my focus. My desire to serve young girls in the area (and women) in the way I needed when I was growing up got stronger as well. #CornerstoneFellowshipMinistry and the #VirtuousCowgirls were born and the rest is HIStory.
My whole profession in the equine world changed too, and I must say it is for the better. I went from a grueling schedule of going to horse shows just about every weekend year-round, to showing horses maybe once a year for fun and helping others get better with their horses and helping train the next generation of horsemen.
The bottom line is, I put today's #VerseOfTheDay into action and the Lord has blessed it beyond my wildest dreams. At this year's Tack Swap @ Kirkwood another vendor came over and told that to me. I believe she was a messenger from the Lord and I thank Him for that. I always wonder if I am on the right path, never wanting to depart from it, and He always confirms me, or corrects me. The way of the Lord is always best.
Start by committing today to the Lord. Take whatever is on your schedule and commit it to the Lord. Ask Him for wisdom to get through the day and for ways to bring Him glory. Oh, the adventures you will go on! If you think your life is boring, it's probably because you are not letting the Lord guide your steps. There is never a dull moment when you are doing His will.