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Who started marriage? Is it a man-made idea? Or is it something bigger than that?

Marriage was instituted in the beginning in Genesis 2:24 by the Lord Himself. After God created Eve out of Adam in Genesis 2:21-23 to be a helpmate for Adam, He proclaimed this:

"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." Genesis 2:24

This passage has been repeated many times in scripture. Jesus repeated it in Matthew 19 and Paul repeated it again in Ephesians 5. Ephesians 5 is where we find the best description of what a godly marriage looks like.

Marriage is more than between a man and a woman though. Do you remember our #CornerstoneVerseOfTheDay on Friendship? If not go back and read it. Ecclesiastes talks about companionship in Ecclesiastes 4 and it does pertain to companionship and friendship, but ultimately it pertains to marriage.

"Two are better than one...a cord of three strands is not easily broken" Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.

How do you get from two to three? The third is the Lord God of Heaven and of the earth. He created marriage and He should be a big part of every marriage. If not, it is doomed to fail. One of the best illustrations I have ever seen about this is a triangle. God is at the top, man and woman are each at the bottom of the triangle. As the man and woman individually grow closer to the Lord, by default they grow closer together. That is what makes a great marriage and it is never too late to start.

I am forever thankful for my husband. He is not a horse guy, but he supports me in every way imaginable in my skill. He can actually spot a lameness in a horse before I can. He can also spot a riding error pretty quick too. When I was showing horses he was really good at seeing what the judge was picking and helping me adapt. I couldn't do it without him. When we began to grow our family, I was content to sell all my horses and focus on raising our children; but he wouldn't let me and he has supported me in growing the buisness into what it is. I couldn't do this life without him and I thank the Lord daily for my husband.

What about horsemanship? How does this pertain to horsemanship? As I have said before, growing closer to the Lord, understanding His ways better, and understanding His creation of the horse better, have made me a better horseman. Without Him we are just in the world working with horses. I have seen it with my own eyes, I have experienced it personally too. You want to know how so much abuse happens at training barns? It is because they are working for the world and not for the Lord. Each and every horse that comes into my barn is entrusted into my care, not just by the owner, but by the Lord. I have to answer to Him.

In addition to that, as I have mentioned before, I am so thankful to have a companion to work horses with because when I begin to get frustrated with a horse, I can rely on Sheri to help me through it and not rely on my emotions. God's way is always the best way in any, and every circumstance. Find His way and live by it. The book of Ephesians has a lot of wisdom to offer in that manner.


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